Thursday 21 May 2020

Fusionex brings next level of customer experience for nationwide group of companies

KUALA LUMPUR, May 21 -- Fusionex has clinched a contract to provide consolidated insight-driven digital platform for a national group of companies that can be leveraged across all its disparate businesses.

Renowned for its chain of 24-hour mini supermarkets, the client is a nationwide group of companies that encompasses an extensive network of industries and sectors.

According to a statement, leveraging Fusionex's AI-powered customer engagement platform, the technology helps generate more leads with the goal of increasing new and repeat sales.

This platform will also advance the efficiency and quality of customer experience, which is now delivered digitally in a seamless manner.

In addition, the client can analyse crucial information amid the vast volumes of data to help guide their decision-making and strategic planning efforts.

The client will also be able to leverage on the platform’s AI capabilities to perform predictive and prescriptive analytics to uncover new discoveries and recognise the value of various consumer trends.

With this information, they would be able to predict and mould customer behaviour, measure marketing campaign success, recognise and rectify underperforming processes and scale operations nationwide.

This cutting-edge platform makes it easier for the client to seize sales opportunities, realign digital strategies in response to changes in the market, and capture better upselling and cross-selling prospects to a more accurately targeted and receptive consumer base.


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