Friday 22 November 2019

Fusionex secures multi-year contract to boost major financial institution workflow

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 22 -- Multi-award-winning data technology specialist, Fusionex has won a multi-year contract in which it will utilise its state-of-the-art data management, collaboration and integration technologies.
In a statement, Fusionex said the technologies would improve the information sharing and generate improved business insights for a major financial services provider.
The client is a decades-old financial institution with more than 50 branches and over 1,500 employees.
An essential banking services provider to both individuals and corporate customers, the client is enthusiastically pursuing the integration of technology in its operations and has called upon Fusionex to drive its digital transformation journey.
Fusionex will provide a collaborative, data driven platform to help enhance workflow, document management and collaborative activities of the client’s staff.
The platform will be able to speedily and securely disseminate business and operational insights, performance-based data, sales numbers and corporate updates to staff members across all branches.
It will also be able to prevent the spread of outdated or misleading information throughout the organisation, allowing employees to work with the most relevant and up-to-date insights, improve efficiency, guide decision-making and minimise operational disruptions.
Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, the solution is also able to comprehend the staff’s receptiveness to certain information and determine whether their sentiments are viewed positively.

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